問題: 技術的失業

A Book on the Future of Jobs with AR / VR App



A cartoon book that walks you through professions in technology industry which didn't existed 20 years ago (ie. digital marketer, UX designer, etc).

The goal of a book is to educate people and get them visualising the possibilities within technology industry that didn't exist a few years back.

The book aims:

  • to show what jobs are available in the technology industry.
  • to inspire people of any age to rethink what job they want to do today and tomorrow.

Why a book?

  • People still read (and share) books.
  • No matter if you have digital skills or Internet access, you can still read a book.
  • No matter what language you speak or what age you are, you can "read" images.
  • As a physical object it has a tactile element that people can relate to.

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この本は、[ "人々は一日中何をしているのか" ](http://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Do-People-All-Day/dp/0007353693 "http:// www.amazon.co.uk/What-Do-People-All-Day/dp/0007353693")、Richard Scarry著。

The book could be similar to "What Do People Do All Day?" written by Richard Scarry.


[ruta], how the book would let people make money? Provide the choices? I've thought about something along the lines of introducing kids with all possible jobs when writing this, however, I think just presenting all possible jobs is not a good way to facilitate thinking. Instead, it seems like a way to restrict thinking.

Ah.. and, the whole 'Book on Future of Jobs' - very cliché idea. A problem? Just write a book on it. Not very creative, not a solution that would present some innovative new principle.


[ruta], and... would this idea solve the problem completely? An idea that qualifies for solution should solve the problem completely, with high probability of success. Even if such book existed, I think, this book alone would not solve the problem. Let's post systematic ideas that would actually completely solve a problem. Maybe this should be a rule on our idea posting?



[Mindey], you're right! I added a different problem that relates to this idea more.

What's more important than teaching people how to make money is teaching people critical thinking and fostering motivation. We should translate an idea you talk about on your blog and share it here. I really like the motivation part.

//このアイデアに関連する別の問題を追加しました。 //


// I added a different problem that relates to this idea more. //

[ruta], where? link?


[ミンディ]たぶん。現在のところ、アイデアをどのように説明するかは完全には明確ではありません。ユーザー(自分も含む)が理解するのに役立つガイダンスについて考える必要があります。 (これには[task](https://infty.xyz/task/89/detail/ "https://infty.xyz/task/89/detail/")があります)。

また、アイデアが問題の解決策を提供しない場合にユーザーがコンテンツにフラグを付け、アイデアの所有者が問題を編集したり、アイデアを書き換えたりできるようにする方法も必要です。このための[タスク](https://infty.xyz/task/94/detail/ "https://infty.xyz/task/94/detail/")もあります。


and... would this idea solve the problem completely? An idea that qualifies for solution should solve the problem completely, with high probability of success. Maybe this should be a rule on our idea posting?

[Mindey], Perhaps. At the moment it's not entirely clear how to describe an idea. We should think about what guidance will help users (myself included) understand. (We have a task for this).

Also, we need a way of letting any user to flag content if an idea doesn't provide a solution to a problem, and encourage an idea owner to edit a problem or rewrite an idea. We have a task for this as well.

Although, the meaning of solution is not the same as of idea. How do people see both terms?




> _solution_の意味は_idea_と同じではありません。両方の用語をどのように見ますか?



Also, we need a way of letting any user to flag content if an idea doesn't provide a solution to a problem, and encourage an idea owner to edit a problem or rewrite an idea. We have a task for this as well.


the meaning of solution is not the same as of idea. How do people see both terms?

Yes, people who need water come up with an idea to carry buckets, and that becomes a solution. We could define an idea as a general solution, that frees everyone from having to solve that problem ever again.








[Mindey], I'm not sure about something in terms of idea/solution stage.

What's the purpose of the system?

User flows:

When people chat, what people can/should do next? Do people chat until they find the perfect solution to a problem or, chat until someone gets an idea, and then jumps into tasks and tries to implement it?

For example, we had a chat with z about the problem "Enabling People to Earn More Money". We discovered that the root problem is a lack of the role models. So, I came up with an idea of a book.

If this idea stays in the comments I and everyone will forget it. I'd like to save it in some ways and try to implement it with people, and see if it makes an impact towards the problem (not necessarily solves the whole problem).





ここでは何も忘れられていません。 :)たぶん、小さなアイデアにインデックスを付けるために[idea-here]のようなタグを作成できます。


When people chat, what people can/should do next? Do people chat until they find the perfect solution to a problem or, chat until someone gets an idea, and then jumps into tasks and tries to implement it?

On the problem page -- yes. However, we should not post arbitrary ideas, just because they remotely seem to solve the problem. Post, when we have a brilliant idea. On the idea page, we should then talk more about the validity of the idea itself rather than search for ideas.

If this idea stays in the comments I and everyone will forget it.

Nothing is forgotten here. :) Maybe we could make tags like [idea-here] for indexing little ideas.




1つの問題から始めて、会話を通じて問題がルートの問題ではないことがわかった場合、ボタンをクリックして_sub-problem_を作成するオプションがあると便利です。アイデアについても同じです。 1つの問題/アイデアが副問題やアイデアを引き起こす場合、ユーザーがそれらを整理できるようにするには、どのような機能が必要ですか?


_> Maybe we could make tags like [idea-here] for indexing little ideas. _

[Mindey], good idea.

In situations when we start with one problem and through a conversation we realise that the problem is not the route problem, it'd be nice to have an option to click a button and create a sub-problem. Same for ideas. When one problem/idea sparks sub-problems and ideas, what functionality do we need to allow users to organise them?

When we have conversations which are off-topic to a particular page (just like our chat about features is off topic to an idea of a book), do we need functionality to allow users to move off-topic conversations to a different page? Which page?



[ruta], so you want a full-fledged hierarchical network? Well, sub-problems are easy to create by creating a foreign key to the problem itself. Just like we currently have with sub-works. However, this kind of structure would make the person who tries to understand the creation of something -- much harder work. Ideally, we want the problem solvers to do the work of breaking down the problem into sub-problems (e.g., milestones) that are exactly necessary and sufficient to solve the problem. This will make the structure clear and understandable for future learners.

If the future learner will have to go through complex mazes of the thinking of original creator, it will make the learner's life harder...


[Mindey], okay, this makes sense! I see your point on the educational value. The purpose of the platform is problem solving indeed, rather than ideation. We should take time before posting problems and ideas then.

この本には、拡張現実機能を備えたモバイルアプリを含めることができます。 [this](http://toyland.gizmodo.com/disney-has-invented-3d-coloring-books-1734309000 "http://toyland.gizmodo.com/disney-has-invented-3d-coloring- books-1734309000」)。

または、接続されたバーチャルリアリティアプリで、実際に新しい職業を_ "体験" _することができます。

This book could have a mobile app with Augmented Reality functionality. Similar to this.

Or, connected Virtual Reality app, where people could actually "experience" new professions.