問題: Programmatic Access and Control
解決: Metaformat

MetaDrive P&L: -25.7 (≃ -36806 JPY)

MetaDrive is an attempt to design a single interface to all world's resources via a metastandard.
github.com/wefindx/metadrive YAML [編集] 生産

In fact, any person, who has to work with various systems, needs something like a metadrive to avoid having to learn to work with each of them. Plug-and-play systems need drivers. Metadrive is about creating framework for drivers to make all systems plug-and-play (with all of their data and services). For example, plug-and-play connect your bank, and bank becomes just like a disk on your computer. Every intelligence agency needs something like a metadrive, to be able to automate data collection and actions.

As a person, using metadrive, you will be able to be a "universal peer" that freely interacts with all protocols. In daily life, e.g., write your updates in any editor you like in one place, and have it published in any places (any social media or hardware groups) you like, and have all interactive comments from all of those places without having to manually interact with those interfaces.

As an organization, using metadrive, you will be able to take multiple applications, and automatically collect and merge data about all of them, to create AI insights automatically, without any manual human integration work, and also, execute actions on those systems as a result of AI decisions.

Current development of metadrive is at:

ウィキページ [編集] 管理者: Mindey,

91.74 BUSD
最新 正味現在価値@割引率=0.1: 9.7535 ħ (13979.18 JPY)
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SQLの上にORMがあったように、APIの上にあるORMを新しいパラダイムとして考える必要があると思います。 :)


-1。利用可能なパッケージマネージャーを一覧表示します --2。Telegramのクライアントライブラリを実装するものをすべて検索します -3。それらのクライアントのI / Oタイプを理解できるように、それらを文書化します。

I think we should think ORM on top of APIs as a new paradigm, just like there was ORM on top of SQL. :)

I'm thinking of Wiki for client libraries of all systems. For example, for Telegram APIs:

    1. List available package managers
    1. Find all that implements client libraries for Telegram
    1. Document them so that we understand I/O types of those clients.
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ビデオ:[https://wiki.mindey.com/shared/shots/4f9283c29619ede486d994cff-metadrive-user-story.mp4](https://wiki.mindey.com/shared/shots/4f9283c29619ede486d994cff-metadrive-user-story。 mp4)。

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関連する試み:beepb00p.xyzによる[Human Programming Interface](https://beepb00p.xyz/hpi.html)。

Related attempts: Human Programming Interface by beepb00p.xyz.

    : Mindey
    :  -- 
    :  -- 

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