親カテゴリー: ホームベース管理

0 > oo 機能リクエスト


YAML 問題 基地管理

我々はどのような 0 > oo の機能やアップグレードを検討すべきですか? コメントにそれを自由に追加して、関連のアイデアをこのカテゴリーにリンクしてください。


投票 (不必要) (通知しない) (不必要)

0oo UIは、人々に「考えから行動に移る」ように奨励すべきです。私にとって、個人的には、「カテゴリ」の前に「カオス」というセクションがあれば、フィードバックシーカーがランダムな質問/アイデアを投稿できるようになり(Quoraのように、リサーチの質問にはさらに多くのコメントが付きます)、0ooコミュニティはコメントで返信します。その結果、フィードバックシーカーは考えを統合し、後で、くだらない質問をカテゴリーに適合する質問に言い換えます。人々が一緒に考えているときに統合が起こるからです。

0oo UI should encourage people to "move from thought to action". for me, personally, it would be cool to have a section "Chaos" before "Categories" which would allow a Feedback Seeker to post random questions/ideas (like on Quora but more for research questions), and 0oo community would reply with comments. as a result, a Feedback Seeker would synthesise thoughts and later rephrase a crappy question into the one that fits categories. because synthesis happens when people are thinking together.


あなたは尋ねるかもしれません、カテゴリーはどうですか-質問? _Categoriesは、カテゴリ内のすべてのアイテムを取得するための質問です。たとえば、質問の形式のカテゴリ:「ナノテクノロジー」は、「ナノテクノロジーについてどのようなアイテムがありますか?」


Categories are supposed to work this way -- i.e., if you have some "Quora-like question" -- it's a category.

You may ask, how is category -- a question? Categories are questions to retrieve all items in category. For example, category: "Nanotechnology" in form of question would be "What items do we have about Nanotechnology?"

I think, we should review the old video about infty.xyz, and pick some ideas from there.


For mainstream appeal, I feel like the ability to upload and share images in the posts and comments is a must. But I understand if that's a hard task and if that's not the direction of 0oo.

    : Mindey
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[justinmiyamoto], well, we have got to have file uploads, ideally we'd provide extra cryptographic proofs of authenticity that way (whatever not provided by links), and it's not as hard, definitely, one of the things to do next. Though, to conform with the style of 0oo, we'd likely only have file previews on mouse hover, as we're focused on helping textual ideas, and want to avoid the distractions as much as possible ;)

    : justinmiyamoto, Deepak
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彼らが宣言した時間と投資として得た金額を示します。入力と出力が等しいため、バランスは常に「0」を目指す必要があります。 「-」が表示されている場合は、0ooコミュニティの誰かがこの人に資金を提供して、バランスを取る必要があることを示しています。社会レベルでは、5億人が0ooを使用すると、この機能は人類を闘争から豊かさへと引き上げ、アイデアに取り組むことを可能にします。






ズームアウトビュー(「メタカテゴリ」)からズームインビュー(「プロジェクト」などの実用的なもの)、そして再びズームアウトビュー(「アイデアと質問」などの背景ストーリー)に移行するため、この順序をお勧めします。 )。この注文は[justinmiyamoto]でブレインストーミングされました。



How about polishing User Profiles to showcase a "wholeness" of a person and where they are making impact in the world?

I mean, a profile should give a summary of where in the self-actualisation journey an individual is:

  • P&L Balance

Showing how much hours they declared and how much they got as an investment. Balance should always be aimed for "0" as equality between input and output. If it shows "-", it is a good indicator that someone from 0oo community simply needs to fund this person, to bring them to balance. On society level, when 0.5 bn people use 0oo, this feature would lift a human race from struggle to abundance and enable working on ideas!

A user profile also should give a summary of what an individual deeply cares about and how they contribute to the collective whole:

  • Meta Categories

  • Projects, Latest Results

  • Ideas

  • Questions

I suggest this order because it goes from zoom-out view ("Meta Categories") to zoom-in view (practical stuff like "Projects") and then into a zoom-out view again (a background story like "Ideas and Questions"). This order was brainstormed with [justinmiyamoto].

Overall, profiles would give people hope and confidence in their ability to contribute to the world's course (Projects), showcase links with a global community (Ideas, Questions) and enable people to live on ideas (personal P&L).

I'm really motivated by this Feature and would love to explore together how we could visualise this! Welcome your thoughts :)

    : Mindey
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Furthermore, a button "Cashout" next to "P&L" on user profile would complete the journey of "working on ideas in society" by enabling to transfer money from 0oo virtual wallet to an online bank of that user.

Virtual Wallet is something I'd like to explore too at least as a thought process imagining how would it look like on a user experience side (e.g. I click a button and x happens). We could then sketch it on Google Slides, test it with real people (I'm up for it!!) and then make a plan if it's feasable to develop technically in future.

I feel it's useful to enable people to collect money thru 0oo from investors and then transfer that money to their banks, so that they can spend it in a real world today.

    : Mindey
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I would like a subscript number be used on every sentence to make each sentence referenceable. Perhaps clicking on it creates a quote in the comment box.

    : Ruta
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// a subscript number be used on every sentence to make each sentence referenceable //

So, like hovering on the sentence would actually show that subscript? Btw., multi-lingualism complicates the matters, but it's definitely a great and important feature -- much better than hierarchical comments. After all, each comment can simultaneously be a response to multiple other comments -- it's like a network more than a tree.

    : Mindey
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古いアイデアが新しいユーザーに発見されないのではないかと心配しています。 ランダムなアイデアやカテゴリに移動するリンクを実装できるかどうか疑問に思います。または、ランダムに選択されたアイデアやカテゴリへのランダムなリンクを一覧表示するページを用意します。

I am worried that older ideas won't be discovered by new users. I wonder if you could implement a link that takes you to a random idea or category. Or have a page that lists random links to ideas and categories selected at random.

    : Mindey
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[chronological], actually, the ideas on the page /topics (when on home page, look at the top left category link, immediately to the right from the logo) are ordered in the order of recency of comments and links, so, if someone adds a comment or a link to a very old topic, it just goes back up to the top. I'll try to add random topic link, that just randomly selects some topic to look at, or just will extend the options for this page to have a random order, and more filtering options.

And, I think, ideas jump back to the top, if they get a new vote...


Can the products link in the menu be text rather than an icon? It's not very discoverable as an icon.

    : Mindey
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そうそう、できます。 「製品」(マーケット)の機能の一部がまだ準備ができていないので、数日でそれをやらせてください。

// Can the products link in the menu be text rather than an icon? It's not very discoverable as an icon.

Oh yeah, it can. Let me do it in a couple of days, as some of the functionality of "products" (Market) isn't ready yet.