Self-Organised Learning Communities

What's the optimum size for a learning group?


Learning in a group has benefits (speed up understanding, see new perspectives, solve problems faster, boost motivation). But what's the best size for learning groups?

Background info: Inspired by educator Sugata Mitra project "Hole in the Wall", I question how learning could spread outside education institutions and more as culture in our world. Also when reading B.Fuller's ideas on synergetics and systems (book "A Fuller Explanation"), I got to know about a min.system pattern found in nature called tetrahedron.

Here, I wonder, if a min. size of a learning group is 4? And is it the best size?

I'm curiois because I'd love to facilitate multiple learning groups!


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また、スガタ:ミトラの自己組織化の探求にも触発されました。 JeremyLentの本TheWeb of Meaningは、自然のパターンと人間の活動に適用される自己組織化の概念を探求しています。



I was also inspired by Sugata Mitra’s explorations of self-organization. Jeremy Lent’s book, The Web of Meaning, explores the concept of self-organization as it applies to patterns of nature and to human activity.

“Spectacular as these patterns are in nature, the principles they represent also apply to human activity. Whether we’re looking at how an embryo develops, how evolution occurs, the dynamics of an ecosystem, how cities operate, how markets fluctuate, and even how civilizations rise and fall, many principles remain the same. When we realize the vast terrain over which these patterns of self-organization apply, we begin to comprehend how crucial it is to understand them.”

Lent, Jeremy. The Web of Meaning (pp. 102-103). New Society Publishers. Kindle Edition.

    : Ruta
    : Mindey
    :  -- 





Love that [bauhouse], thanks for exploring together!

From your quote it seems that we agree about self-organisation on how systems function.

But how about the birth of systems? How do self-organised systems birth? If we seek a self-organised learning community, then the beginnings of systems are interesting to explore. Or are beginnings just pure randomness?


No,not random. each beginning is iteration on other process. Remember, its all fractal. Beginning is just a fork, instantiation of possible outcome.


Im very interested in that subject. I see learning and teaching as an organic part of any organizational structure. Its essential to maintain degrees of freedom in the structure, so people can freely move within it. I envision positions as nodes, and people like free particles, sticking around in clumps to those nodes. So a manager position occupied by a team of collaborators, teaching and mentoring each other, using the instructional tools we provide, rather community provides. Still, we have to practice it, create the seed tools, trade them in solarea, and let community take over and evolve it. That will be our educational industry. Distributed and organic, an economy of iys own, prbly using the existing educators and tools, but in a different structure of freedom. That applies to any industry. This is a type, of solution.


Universes only seem to be born anew, from the distance of time. Observing the pandemic, i realized, every big bang is a phase transition. Like water boiling. First, a few bubbles, they start merging, and inflationary phase begins, when mergers quickly, explosively transform the old structure into new one. Its a structure transform. It can be modelled as a function, a gauge. Im building these functions in my logic engine. So, every beginning, if successful, takes over the minds, spreads, and becomes a movement. And, if you wanna succeed, go with that flow. Best is to attach a high moral value to any idea, and let it go. I call it social hacking . Seriously, i see how communities can self guide themselves, to optimize freedom and kindness. These can be measured by gauges and adjusted by dials on community dashboard, under community peer review, and codified into a blockchain nft. Thats what i see solarea to provide.


Dont misunderstand social hacking. It simply means helping communities to stay on track. And, you dont attach moral value to ideas, but find a way for your idea to benefit others even more then you. Your karma will take care of you. Think community first approach.