問題: Self-Directed Learning

Online Reading Time and Topic Tracker



A browser plugin that tracks my online behaviour and provides visual graphs on what I'm doing.

A plugin that tracks my eye ball movement, time spent reading an article, parts of text I selected, etc. This data is then presented as a visual graph showing topics I read about, etc.


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Hey [Justin], what else do you think it's worth tracking to measure what people learn when they browse the web?


[ruta], good idea, which certainly is doable. So many statisticians, computer scientists and data scientists working on computer vision. What you need, is a higher resolution cameras on computers, or existing solutions (tobii) to use your eyeballs as mouse.


[ruta], btw., be more specific in the naming, because this 'Online Behaviour Tracker' is very general, could refer to much more than eye-tracking. Maybe 'Online Reading Time and Topic Tracker'.





be more specific in the naming, because this 'Online Behaviour Tracker' is very general, could refer to much more than eye-tracking. Maybe 'Online Reading Time and Topic Tracker'.

-- this is a project then, not an idea anymore. no?

元々、プロジェクトとアイデアの違いは、プロジェクトは特定の人々のグループに関係し、特定のツールを使用して特定の成果物を提供しようとすることです。アイデアの一般性を減らすだけでは、プロジェクトにはなりません。具体的な人とツールとスコープを追加します。アイデアは、特許のように非常に具体的で詳細なものにすることができますが、現実の世界で特定の時間と空間、人、ツール、スコープがないプロジェクトではありません。 :)

[ruta], originally, the difference between a project and an idea is that a project concerns specific group of people, using specific tools, trying to deliver specific deliverable. Just reducing the generality of an idea does not make it into a project. Adding concrete people and tools and scope does. Idea can be very specific and detailed, like a patent, but it is not a project without specific time and space, people, tools, scope in real world. :)


[Mindey], okay, got it! An Idea becomes a plan when it has timeline, people, tools, etc. Thanks!



good idea, which certainly is doable. So many statisticians, computer scientists and data scientists working on computer vision. What you need, is a higher resolution cameras on computers, or existing solutions (tobii) to use your eyeballs as mouse.

[Mindey], how about heatmaps, to get the data on how I interact with the page?


[ruta], heatmaps are only a way to display the click density,... Your problem is to collect data points about the eyeballs first, and infer the actual words and topics read from that data, - the mouse pointer data, and other data.

[ミンディー]、人々がオンラインでどのように読むかについて考えれば、私たちの多くは読んでいる間テキストをハイライトしていることがわかります。私の仮定は、テキストを強調表示するとき、読んでいる内容を反映することです。さまざまなWebクリッパーを使用して、後でコンテンツを保存します(つまり、[Evernote](http://evernote.com "http://evernote.com"))。また、[Rescuetime](http://Rescuetime.com "www.Rescuetime.com")を使用して、私のWeb閲覧行動を追跡しています。眼球を追跡する代わりに、この問題を解決する簡単な方法があるのでしょうか?

[Mindey], if we think about how people read online, we'll see that many of us highlight text while reading. My assumption is, when we highlight text, we reflect on what we are reading. I use various web clippers to save content for later (i.e Evernote). I also use Rescuetime to track my web browsing behaviour. Maybe there are simpler ways to solve this problem instead of tracking eye balls?


[ruta], very good observation. Indeed, selections during the reading could be used as data source, and a browser plugin could be made to collect that information on all websites you visit. Statistical models could be constructed to filter that information, but it would be much more accurate to have eyeball trackers, like the mentioned (tobii).