発想を書く 何? + どう?
発想 = 方法 / 原理


第一の規則 広範囲に及ぶ結果を伴う解き方を考えられますが、まだ誰でもそれを見ていないので、注目を集めたいと思っています!




発想を投稿することで、あなたが定義した状況で有用なモノを発想して記録することを目的とした発明のゲームに参加し、我々が作っている コミュニティとシステム の開発に貢献参加することになります。




  1. 結果を達成する原則 (Principle for achieving a result, PFR)、例: ピタゴラスの定理バブルソートもやい結びエアロゲルフォトリソグラフィーなど、これらの原則がまだ発見または発明されていない、または少なくとも書く時点では自分にとって新しいものなら、OK です。
  2. 新しい効果を達成するパターン (Pattern for achieving a novel effect, PFE)、例: 炭酸飲料ヒップホップダンスドローンベースの花火タピオカティーブレインファック言語などのパターン発生方法。

    注意:発想には方法が含まれていない(つまり、効果をどのように達成するかという検証可能なやり方が含まれていない)場合は 概念⇢ のセクションに投稿してください。)


    • 概念気泡がちりばめられた水:こんな水を作れば、それぞれの理由で、楽しくなると思いますが、まだ作り方を分からないです。私がさらに考えるのを手伝ってください。
    • 発想気泡がちりばめられた水:CO2を水に溶かしすと、独特なちくちくの泡を作られます!私が保証します!私が間違っていることを証明してください。
    • 概念逆された座席の車の考えがえましたが、それは重要性があると感じています。私がさらに考えるのを手伝ってください。
    • 発想逆された座席の車:自動車の座席を反対側にすると、事故による負傷率を減らせます。私はそう思います!私が間違っていることを証明してください。


主に新しい PFRまたはPFEが提案されていないため、アイデアには削除のマークが付けられる可能性があります。


  • 発想は方法の説明足りない:some writers are tempted to describe an imaginary product, service, or phenomenon without the description of method how it would achieve the promised result or effect. For example: "a ring that rings like a bell when two people wearing those rings approach (secenario explained)". A problem with such an idea is that, while it explains the scenario, it doesn't elaborate on how would such result or effect be achieved, and the readers will have troubles, because rings don't ring like bells when put on fingers. In such situations, lacking further explanation of how it would work, idea lacks elaboration. On the other hand, an idea such as "Smart ring that calls an ambulance when blood oxygen level gets low" may not raise such questions and be valid, because it is widely known that the components to do that exists. To avoid such situation, do your homework, and come up with how your innovation technically achieves what it promises. For example, if you propose to embed tiny speakers and a battery into the ring, say so, or if you suggest to design a particular suspension mechanism and an inner ring inside the ring to make it ring like a bell, then say so. Generally, the more details you describe about how the effect would be achieved, the more interesting your idea will be. Contrarily, the more unknowns you leave out, the more likely it to be marked-for-deletion, because leaving essential unknowns is equivalent to soliciting others to invent the principle of how the thing that you want would work, instead of you inventing the principle of how it would work.

What to expect?

If you publish an idea here, it will be public and the world will be able to find it here, as well as on the sister domains. Unless you uncheck "publish" checkbox, it will become publicly available in the site language versions that you had written it in, and forwarded to subscribers.

Note: When you come up with an idea of how something impossible could be made possible, and how the world would change as a result, a natural reaction is to share it with others, discuss, enjoy the recognition and learn from critique, find partners, and make profit. We plan to enable the authors of ideas to receive part of revenue from projects that use them to make profits.

One of our visions, is to update the laws of all countries to enable authors of publicly shared ideas to receive tax revenue from all sufficiently profitable businesses that utilize them profit, and to do realize such possibility for those who do not have patents, but have reliably and provably signed and dated public ideas, and thus enabling everyone who create such public benefit to become affluent via ideation alone.

Maintaining an open knowledge economy and a public innovation process is the responsibility of every state and economic system. We hope that the time will have passed when people needed to patent ideas in order to get a return on investment from them, and that there will soon be a time when everyone who comes up with new useful solutions will automatically get a return on them, if someone commercializes them.